maandag 12 mei 2008
Thanks Leon
donderdag 8 mei 2008
The final tour
Back in the boat
Preparing lessons is fun again due to SMART Notebook.
And these are some pictures of the results. Due to lack of time the organisation thought that everybody could give their work to Yolanda so we could pick the best and the runner up. (there were some prices to be won). But the developpers really wanted to see all the results so they could choose the best themselves. This ment that we could only have dinner at about nine. At home (in the netherlands) I'm used to having dinner at six, so nine o'clock is very very very late.
But the results were worth the waiting. A lot of activity toolkit and internet pictures and internetlinks. More frequent than the first best practices we saw at the beginning of the boat trip.
Boats from the essentials for educators Balloon pops from the activity toolkit
self adjustable dices from the activity toolkit.
Pictures from smart people, from left to right. Terry, Yolanda, Sap (I don't dare to type his full name), Me, Alexandra (not laughing!?!?!?!), Tobias and Laura.
5 of them actually work at SMART Tech. two of them just are.....
And here are the winners, they named themselves "just kiddin' "
The runners up each won an Airliner, so how to top that?
In the evening, dinner and dancing.
This guy had his birthday 84 I think, but he doens't look a day older than 38. It's Jürgen from Netsmart.
dinsdag 6 mei 2008
arriving at Helsinki
The result was a large discussion about these toppics when we came back on the boat again.
Third part of day two
First a photo of me at work (on this blog)
And yet another best practise. This teacher has developped some templates of TV game shows and she plays those games with here students, to get them going....
She promised that the templates will be available for us.
Imagine what happens if you put 7 SMARTBoard addicts in a cramped space.
...... they talk about SMARTBoards!
Imagine what happens if you fill a dinnerroom with 40 SMARTBoard addicts.....
A lot!
second part of day two
Here are some pictures I took from the best practices (where I left of).
First "our" Audrey, explaining the way she use powerpoint to "simplify" the texts from the textbook. Her students have problems reading the long texts so the summary's are very important for her students. she doesn't make use of fancy object animations because that would distract her students.
Audrey: "In my school I work more with the SMARTBoard than most of my collegues, but now at the userforum I see that I'm only using a smal part of the possibilities. I've learnt more in one day than I ever did!"
I'm sorry for the darkness of the fotograph, but it's really her.
Here you see Jelle pay attention to his dutch collegue.
I would like to say something about the dinner and the drink after the intensive hours in the conference rooms. But I have to censor myself. Let's say we had a good time and the next day we were all tired because of the hour we lost due to the changing timezone (This "boatleg" is much worse than a jetleg)
maandag 5 mei 2008
Day two of the User forum
After everybody got to know eachother better, the first presentation started on the Boat we're sailing on, the "Silja Symphony".
As you can see in the agenda Laura James (SMART Technologies) Area manager for north and western Europe) started with a NB10 demonstration and a product overview of SMARTBoard products with an explanation of how to make a classroom really interactive, using the SMARTBoard, a Sympodium, Senteo and the new SMART document camera. For most participants Senteo and the document camera were new products and everybody was very enthousiastic about them.
After this presentation Yolanda (SMART content developper) presented the new features in NB10. e.g. Magic pen, filler tool, Lesson activity Tookit and tables. Everything Yolanda presented the participants (all with laptops and NB10) wanted to try the functions directly, this led to some communcationproblems. Yolanda went on to the next item while everybody else was trying the last feature.
After Lunch Saptashiru Basu (SMART Sneteo product manager) did a Senteo Interactive respons system demonstration. Everybody got a clicker and had to answer questions Sap asked directly. like: "is this a nice boat?" most people asnwered "Yes!" From this moment on Sap was a popular man under the participants.
And now the reason why everybody joined the User forum, exchanging best practices. The group was devided into 3 smaller groups. We as distributors were convinced that some people should be cloned for SMARTBoard use. There were proper "Linda's" (my hyperactive VSV demonstration machine collegue) between them.
Here you see Audrey listen and Boris at work.
later today more.